30 | Goal | Sent when the goal is confirmed. | iScout (BC) | Type. Possible values: - 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Penalty
- -100 = Shot
40 | Yellow card | Used when the yellow card is confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
43 | Suspension | The team was awarded a suspension. | iScout (BC) | Duration. Possible values in minutes: |
50 | Red card | Used when the red card is confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
51 | Green card | Used when the green card is confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
110 | Ball possession | Possession change to the given team. | iScout (BC)
| - |
161 | Penalty awarded | Penalty shot has been awarded | iScout (BC) | - |
666 | Penalty missed | Penalty shot has been missed | iScout (BC) | - |
1002 | Penalty shootout event | Marks a penalty shootout, similar to soccer. Happens during the penalty shootout match status. It communicates if player is getting ready and result - miss or goal. | iScout (BC) | Result: Possible values: - -1 = Player getting ready
- 0 = Miss
- 1 = Goal
1010 | Betstart | Betstart indicates that betting markets can be activated. Betstart is not only a pre match event but is also used during the match.
| iScout (BC) | - |
1011 | Betstop | Betstop indicates that all betting markets are closed due to strong possibility of a goal, penalty, red card, or there is any unclear situation on the field. Betstop is also used whenever there is the need to establish direct communication between the scout and the match Supervisor, or in case of call disconnection. | iScout (BC) | - |
1013 | Live Odds Match status | Matchstatus as defined in the liveodds system | iScout (BC) | See the above table for all available match statuses in field hockey. |
1015 | Free text | Free text message. Free comment is used for any kind of additional information during the match. | iScout (BC) | - |
1018 | Possible goal | Possible goal. | iScout (BC) | - |
1019 | Canceled goal | Canceled goal. | iScout (BC) | Cancel reason. Possible values: |
1024 | Match about to start | Match is about to start | iScout (BC) | - |
1029 | Dangerous attack | Dangerous attack | iScout (BC) | - |
1030 | Ball safe | Ball safe | iScout (BC) | - |
1036 | Time start/stop | Triggered when the clock is started or stopped. | iScout (BC) | Possible value: - 0 = Time stopped
- 1 = Time started
1039 | Manual time adjustment | Add or remove seconds from period time, used if current time is inaccurate | iScout (BC) | Number of seconds adjusted. Either a positive or a negative integer. |
1040 | Possible red card | Used when there is a strong possibility of a red card. Entries are assigned to teams. | iScout (BC) | - |
1041 | Red card not confirmed | Used when possible red card is not being confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
1044 | Deleted event alert | Manual removal of an event. | iScout (BC) | Id of event that was deleted. |
1049 | Suspension over | The suspension for a team has ended (all the suspended players are back from suspension) | iScout (BC) | - |
1050 | Possible empty net | Possible empty net situation. Used whenever one of the teams pulls out the goal keeper. | iScout (BC) | - |
1051 | Empty net confirmed | Marks that a team is playing without a goalkeeper | iScout (BC) | - |
1052 | Empty net resolved | Empty net resolved | iScout (BC) | - |
1053 | Empty net canceled | Possible empty net turns out to not be an empty net. Used whenever a possible empty net is not being | iScout (BC) | - |
1064 | Play resumes after goal | Play resumes after goal. This is used to confirm that match has resumed after the scored goal. | iScout (BC) | - |
1084 | Possible yellow card | Used when there is a strong possibility of a yellow card. Entries are assigned to teams. | iScout (BC) | - |
1085 | Yellow card not confirmed | Used when a possible yellow card is not being confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
1091 | Early betstart | Similar to normal betstart and betstop, but instead of waiting until the next kick off, the early betstarts already starts right after the goal was confirmed. This event needs to be enabled in Live Data XML Feed Configs before it gets sent out. | iScout (BC) | - |
1102 | Coverage status | Scout match coverage status. Coverage abandoned status means that coverage is stopped after it had already been started. Match will not be covered status means that match was supposed to be covered but coverage has been cancelled before | iScout (BC) | Possible values: - 0 = Covered
- 1 = Coverage abandoned
- 2 = Match will not be covered
1104 | Penalty shootout starting team | Penalty shootout starting team | iScout (BC) | - |
1126 | Attack | Attack | iScout (BC) | - |
1217 | Possible penalty stroke | Used when there is a strong possibility of a penalty stroke | iScout (BC) | - |
1218 | Penalty stroke | Sent when the penalty stroke is confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
1219 | Penalty stroke not confirmed | Canceled penalty stroke. | iScout (BC) | - |
1220 | Possible short corner | Used when there is a strong possibility of a short corner. | iScout (BC) | - |
1221 | Short corner awarded | Used when a penalty corner is awarded to a team. Entries are assigned to teams. | iScout (BC) | - |
1222 | Short corner not confirmed | Used when a penalty corner to a team is not confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
1223 | Possible long corner | Used when there is a strong possibility of a long corner. | iScout (BC) | - |
1224 | Long corner | Sent when the long corner is confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |
1225 | Long corner not confirmed | Canceled long corner. | iScout (BC) | - |
1458 | VAR | Video review | iScout (BC) | - |
1459 | VAR over | Video review over | iScout (BC) | Outcome. Possible values: - -1 = unknown
- 0 = call stands
- 1 = call overturned
1753 | Possible green card | Used when there is a strong possibility of a green card. Entries are assigned to teams. | iScout (BC) | - |
1754 | Green card not confirmed | Used when a possible green card is not being confirmed. | iScout (BC) | - |