| | - | - | - | - | 2058 | MOBA player alive | Tells which player just died or re-spawned, and how long the re-spawn timer is (where this is applicable). | External feed (BC) | Possible values: | How long the player will be dead (in seconds). 0 if the player respawned | Playerid | - |
Sport specific XML elements and attributesThis section explains what elements / attributes one can expect for Dota2 matches in addition to the standard elements and attributes, and what the meaning of those elements and attributes is. Elements in <match> element Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <match betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="0" device="5" extrainfo="-1" feedtype="full" matchid="10115284" matchtime="0:3:54" st1id="
190363" st2id="190364" start="1464795000000" t1id="8777622" t1name="KAIPI" t2id="8777623" t2name="PRODOTA GMNG">
<status id="302" name="SECOND_PAUSE" start="1464802817643"/>
<score t1="5" t2="0" type="match"/>
<score t1="1" t2="0" type="map1"/>
<score t1="1" t2="0" type="map2"/>
<format type="maps" value="3"/>
<tournament id="53111" name="Dota2 Testmatches"/>
<category id="1375" name="Dota2 test matches"/>
<sport id="111" name="ESport Dota"/>
<networth mapnr="1" t1="2400" t2="2000">
</match> |
XML elements and attributes definition Element | Attributes |
| Attribute | Description | Possible values | score | Multiple occurrences possible, each occurrence describes the amount of points for the specified period in the match. This element always gets included in full feed, and in the delta feed for the following events: MOBA map ended (1842) | t1 | Amount of points home team. | Integer | t2 | Amount of points away team. | Integer | type | For what period in the match the points were scored. | String. Possible values: - match
- map1
- map2
- map3
- map4
- map5
| matchformat | This element always gets included in full feed, and in the delta feed for the following events: Best of maps (1810) This element consists of subelements which will be explained more into detail below. | networth | Multiple occurrences possible, each occurrence describes the net worth for the specified period in the match. This element is included in full feed, and in the delta feed, if the corresponding XML configuration is enabled, for the following events: Dota player information (1856), Dota item change (1860) and Dota structure takedown (1858). | t1 | Home team net worth. | Integer | t2 | Away team net worth. | Integer | mapnr | Map number | Integer |
Elements and attributes in <matchformat> element If extra attributes are needed to specify the match format, those will be added in the <matchformat>-element, which holds <format>-elements for each match format option. The actual formats are described in the type and value attributes. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <match betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="0" device="5" extrainfo="-1" feedtype="full" matchid="10115284" matchtime="0:3:54" st1id="
190363" st2id="190364" start="1464795000000" t1id="8777622" t1name="KAIPI" t2id="8777623" t2name="PRODOTA GMNG">
<status id="302" name="SECOND_PAUSE" start="1464802817643"/>
<format type="maps" value="3"/>
</match> |
Possible values type and attributes for dota2 Type | Value |
maps | Number of maps to be played. Integer, value from 1 - 5. |
Attributes in <event> element Code Block |
<!-- Example 1 -->
<match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event assists="13" deaths="2" denies="10" id="649368355" info="Player info update for FATA" kills="11" lasthits="409" level="25" mtime=
"0:51:34" networth="28869" player1="974931" side="away" stime="1465553386462" type="1856" experience="628"/>
<!-- Example 2 -->
<match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event id="649368411" info="Away team has completed 1 more kill." killsaway="1" killshome="0" mapnumber="1" mtime="0:51:48" side="
none" stime="1465553390458" type="1852"/>
<!-- Example 3 -->
<match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event heroesaliveaway="5" heroesalivehome="2" id="649368413" info="Number of heroes alive has changed: 2:5" mtime="0:51:48" side=
"none" stime="1465553390460" type="1848"/>
<!-- Example 4 -->
<match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event extrainfo="141" id="649324419" info="FIRST_MAP" mtime="0:0:0" side="none" stime="1465549651632" type="1013"/>
<!-- Example 5 -->
<match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event heroid="90" heroname="Wisp" id="649324421" info="[T1] banned Wisp" mapnumber="1" mtime="0:0:0" side="home" stime="
1465549651634" type="1844"/>
<!-- Example 6 -->
<match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event extrainfo="1" id="16018306" info="MentalProtector has obtained Ring of Protection" itemname="Ring of Protection" mapnumber="2
" mtime="0:3:45" player1="795591" side="away" stime="1474371994151" type="1860"/>
</match> |
XML attributes definition Element | Attributes |
| Attribute | Description | Allowed values | event | extrainfo | Attribute containing additional information about the event. | Long | player1 | Sportradar id of player 1 associated with the event. | Integer | player2 | Sportradar id of player 2 associated with the event. | INteger | mapnumber | The number of the current map. | Integer | heroid | Id of the hero. This attribute gets added on the following events: MOBA hero picked/banned (1844), MOBA player hero (1845). | Integer | heroname | Name of the hero, derived from the name from Dota 2. This attribute gets added on the following events: MOBA hero picked/banned (1844), MOBA player hero (1845). | String | heroesalivehome | Amount of heroes still alive for home team. This attribute gets added on the following events: MOBA team balance changed (1848) | Integer | heroesaliveaway | Amount of heroes still alive for away team. This attribute gets added on the following events: MOBA team balance changed (1848) | Integer | killshome | The amount of new kills for the home team. This attribute gets added on the following events: MOBA kills (1852) | Integer | killsaway | The amount of new kills for the away team. This attribute gets added on the following events: MOBA kills (1852) | Integer | lasthits | Amount of last hits the player has in the map. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | denies | Amount of denies the player has in the map. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | kills | Amount of kills the player has in the map. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | deaths | Amount of deaths the player has in the map. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | assists | Amount of assists the player has in the map. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | networth | The combined value of the item the hero has and the amount of gold he has available. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | experience | The amount of xp per min the hero has gathered. (total gathered xp/- duration of the match in minutes). This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | level | Which hero level the player is on. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota player info (1856) | Integer | itemname | Name of the item. This attribute gets added on the following events: Dota item change (1860) | String | extrainfomoba | How long the player will be dead (in seconds) when added to event MOBA Player Alive (ID: 2058), or If a hero was picked/banned in the event MOBA Hero picked/banned (ID: 1844) | 2058: Positive Integer value 1844: 1 if it was a pick, 0 if it was a ban |
XML configurationThis section explains what XML configurations one can expect for this sport in addition to the standard XML configurations, and what the meaning of these configurations is. (ID: 89) Send lineups for Dota2 matchesIf this setting is enabled, the element <lineups> gets enabled for matches which have this configured. Lineups are sent when subscribing to a match, and when the lineup changes. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <lineups matchid="12345678">
<player id="1" name="Aaronson, Aaron" nickname="A.Aaronson" shirtnumber="0" substitute="false" team="1"/>
<player id="2" name="Benito, Barry" nickname="B.Benito" shirtnumber="0" substitute="false" team="1"/>
<player id="3" name="Cumberscratch, Cabertoss" nickname="C.Cumberscratch" shirtnumber="0" substitute="false" team="2"/>
<player id="4" name="Dumpling, Danny" nickname="D.Dumpling" shirtnumber="0" substitute="false" team="2"/>
</lineups> |
(ID: 91) Add attribute itemname for Dota2 event Item ChangeEnabling this setting will include the attribute itemname to the <event>-element when the Item Change event (1860) happens in Dota2. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <match matchid="9571671" ... >
<event extrainfo="1" id="16018306" info="MentalProtector has obtained Ring of Protection" itemname="Ring of Protection" mapnumber="2"
mtime="0:3:45" player1="795591" side="away" stime="1474371994151" type="1860"/>
</match> |
(ID: 98) Enable net worth element for Dota2Enabling this setting will include the element networth. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <match matchid="9571671" ... >
<networth mapnr="1" t1="2400" t2="2000">
</match> |
Enabling this setting will add an attribute extrainfomoba to <event> element. This attribute may contain additional information about the event it is added to. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <match ... >
<event extrainfo="0" extrainfomoba="0" id="879480891" info="Delitto died" mapnumber="1" mtime="0:21:56" player1="1356912" side="
home" stime="1511866053205" type=" 2058"/>
</match> |