ID | Event | Description | Coverage | extrainfo | extrainfobasketball |
110 | Possession | Indicates which team is currently in possession of the ball. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
129 | Foul | Used when a foul is committed. Entries are assigned to teams. | iScout (BC) | Possible values: - -1 = Unknown
- 1 = Personal
- 2 = shooting
- 3 = Offensive
- 4 = Technical
- 5 = Flagrant
| - |
1010 | Betstart | Betstart indicates that betting markets can be activated. Betstart is not only a pre match event but is also used during the match. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1011 | Betstop | Betstop indicates that all betting markets are closed due to strong possibility of a goal, penalty, red card, or there is any unclear situation on the field. Betstop is also used whenever there is the need to establish direct communication between the scout and the match Supervisor, or in case of call disconnection. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1013 | Match status | Sent when the status of the match changes. | iScout (BC) | See above table for match statuses available for eBasketBall. | - |
1015 | Free comment | Free text message. Free comment is used for any kind of additional information during the match. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1024 | Match about to start | This event is sent when both captains, together with the referee, are selecting which team will start the match. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1033 | Won jump ball team | Information about which team won the jump ball. Jump ball is used to begin play and sometimes to resume play. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1034 | Rebound | Rebound awarded to a player who retrieves the ball after a missed field goal or free throw. | iScout (BC) | Rebound type. Possible values: - 0 = Defensive
- 1 = Offensive
- -1 = Unknown
| - |
1035 | Timeout | A team calls a timeout. Entries can be assigned to teams, but neutral timeouts are possible too. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1036 | Time start stop | Match clock is stopped or started. | iScout (BC) | Possible values: - 1 = Time started
- 0 = Time stopped
| - |
1037 | Score change | Used when a team scores points. Entries are assigned to teams. | iScout (BC) | Possible values: - 1 = Free throw (1 point)
- 2 = 2-pointer
- 3 = 3-pointer
| Possible values: - -1 = Unknown
- 1 = Invalid
- 2 = Fast break
- 3 = Dunk
- 4 = Layup
- 5 = Putback
- 6 = Tip-in
- 7 = Alley-Oop
1038 | Score miss | Used when a point attempt missed. | iScout (BC) | Possible values: - 1 = Free throw (1 point)
- 2 = 2-pointer
- 3 = 3-pointer
| Possible values: - 1 = If free throw is flagged as invalid
1039 | Manual time adjustment | Manual adjustment of time. | iScout (BC) | Number of seconds adjusted. Either a positive or a negative integer. | - |
1044 | Delete event alert | Manual removal of an event. | iScout (BC) | Id of event that was deleted. | - |
1047 | Timeout over | Used when timeout is over. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1056 | Number free throws | Free throws awarded to a player. | iScout (BC) | Number of free throws. (1 - 3) | Possible values: - 1 = If it is a 1+1 free throw. (Basketball NCAA only)
1062 | Ball position | Position of the ball on the court in x/y coordinates. | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1102 | Coverage status | Scout match coverage status. Coverage abandoned status means that coverage is stopped after it had already been started. Match will not be covered status means that match was supposed to be covered but coverage has been cancelled before. | iScout (BC) | Possible values: 0 = Covered 1 = Coverage abandoned 2 = Match will not be covered | - |
1437 | TV timeout start | Start of a break in the game to allow television advertisements to be show. Can be attributed to home team, away team or no team ("official's timeout"), but side attribute is always set to "none". | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1438 | TV timeout over | End of a break in the game to allow television advertisements to be show. Can be attributed to home team, away team or no team ("official's timeout"), but side attribute is always set to "none". | iScout (BC) | - | - |
1732 | Player disqualified | Player is disqualified and must leave the court. Also called "ejection". | iScout (BC) | - | - |