Client systems can request a list of available scout matches for a specific time frame. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <matchlist hoursback="6" hoursforward="24" includeavailable="yes"/> |
XML attributes definition Element | Attributes |
| Attribute | Description | Possible values | matchlist | hoursback | The amount of hours ago the timeframe for the request starts. | Integer | hoursforward | The amount of hours in the future the timeframe for the requests ends. | Integer | includeavailable | Optional attribute. If this attribute is passed and the value is "yes", the match list reply will also include matches that are not booked yet, but open for booking. | String yes = Include available matches |
Info |
Note The maximum timespan one can request matches for is 300 hours. If the timespan is greater than 300 hours it will automatically be adjusted down to 300 hours. If the optional attribute includeavailable="yes" is set, the maximum values of "hoursback" and "hoursforward" are 48 hours and 240 hours respectively. |
Match list reply After the client system sends the match list request, a list of matches within the specified timeframe gets sent back. Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <matchlist>
<match booked="1" distance="10" matchid="798175" start="1244822400000" t1id="560764" t1name="BRØNDBY IF II" t2id="560743" t2name
<status id="0" name="NOT_STARTED" start="0"/>
<score t1="0" t2="0" type="current"/>
<tournament id="3422" name="2nd Division East"/>
<category id="8" name="Denmark"/>
<sport id="1" name="Soccer"/>
<match booked="0" coveredfrom="venue" distance="2577" extrainfo="0" matchid="4973320" st1id="4412" st2id="4393" start="1244966000000
" t1abbr="ARI" t1id="35276" t1name="ARIZONA CARDINALS" t2abbr="ATL" t2id="33132" t2name="ATLANTA FALCONS">
<status id="0" name="NOT_STARTED" start="0"/>
<score t1="0" t2="0" type="current"/>
<tournament id="47" name="NFL"/>
<category id="43" name="USA"/>
<sport id="16" name="Football"/>
<match coveragestatusid="0" coveredfrom="venue" device="3" extrainfo="0" matchid="11361408" st1id="152332" st2id="249567" start="
1495531320000" t1id="1223041" t1name ="DELHI DAREDEVILS" t2id="8511090" t2name="GUJARAT LIONS">
<status id="502" name="FIRST_INNINGS_AWAY_TEAM" start="1495531234237"/>
<score t1="0" t2="0" type="match"/>
<innings dismissals="0" runs="0" statusid="502" statusname="FIRST_INNINGS_AWAY_TEAM"/>
<tournament id="7824" name="Premier League"/>
<category id="497" name="India"/>
<sport id="21" name="Cricket"/>
</matchlist> |
XML attributes definition Element | Attributes |
| Attribute | Description | Possible values | match | booked | Optional attribute indicating whether a match is booked or not. Only added if includeavailable=" yes" was added to the match list request. | Integer 1 = Match is booked 0 = Match is not booked yet, but open for booking. |
Match list filtering To filter by sport id you can send for example: Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <matchlist hoursback="15" hoursforward="10">
<sport sportid="1" />
<sport sportid="2" />
</matchlist> |
You can also specify matches to filter: Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <matchlist hoursback="15" hoursforward="10">
<match matchid="1" />
<match matchid="2" />
</matchlist> |