Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Match information gets sent out live, when the matches are running. This information about the match is distributed in three types of messages: full match feed, delta match feed and deltaupdate feed. These types are explained in more detail below, but the core of those types is the same:

Code Block
titleXML example
<match feedtype="full" ... >
<!-- Additional subelements go here -->
<!-- Events go here -->

XML attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values

Indicating what type of match information is sent. More information about the different feedtypes can be found below.

String, possible values:

Full match message
When a client application subscribes to a match, it will receive a full match update immediately after - given the subscription
was successful. This message will contain the current status of the match, and all the events which have happened so far. The
XML example below shows all the attributes and subelements for the match-element which can show up for any sport.


There are a number of additional reasons as to why you may receive a full match message. This is normal, and should be something clients need to be prepared to handle. Even if you receive multiple full feeds it should be considered normal behavior. In some scenarios a full feed update is required to guarantee sanity. An example is when we change the primary data source that we rely upon for the feed generation. This is not expected to happen frequently, but is needed as a backup in case one data source for some reason cannot provide reliable data to our clients.

Code Block
<match betstatus="STARTED" device="2" coveredfrom="venue" distance="207" dc="1" matchtime="0:22:46" connectionstatus="1"
extrainfo="0" feedtype="full" matchid="7895127" start="1285574251000" t1id="130722" t1name="HARSTAD VIKINGS" t2id="130718"
t2name="ASKER ALIENS" st1id="198752" st2id="986072" booked="1" >
<!-- Various elements explaining current status and match statistics -->
<status id="13" name="FIRST_QUARTER" start="1285574561000"/>
<score t1="2" t2="0" type="current"/>
<tournament id="716" name="BLNO"/>
<category id="106" name="Norway"/>
<sport id="2" name="Basketball"/>
<!-- Summary of all events which happened in the match so far -->
<event id="7168427" info="[T1] won jumpball" mtime="00:00" side="home" stime="1285574551000" type="1033"/>
<event extrainfo="13" id="7168429" info="FIRST_QUARTER" mtime="00:00" side="none" stime="1285574551000" type="1013"/>
<event id="7168428" info="Betstart" mtime="00:00" side="none" stime="1285574551000" type="1010"/>
<event extrainfo="0" id="7168431" info="Time stopped" mtime="00:18" side="none" stime="1285574569000" type="1036"/>

XML attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values
matchbetstatusBetstatus the match is currently in.

BETSTOP = Match is in betstop
STARTED = Match is in betstart


Id of the device used for scouting.
Note that this attribute needs to be enabled in the XML configuration


Information about where the match is covered from. Note that this attribute needs to be enabled in the XML configuration options.

String, possible values:
tv = match is covered from tv
venue = match is covered from venue


Optional attribute, added if available. Distance between teams in km.


Optional attribute, added if the
match is scouted based on TV
transmission.with deeper coverage

1 = Match is DC


Integer specifying special information for the match.


A textual representation of the
matchtime. Note that this attribute needs to be enabled in the XML configuration options. For more information, see chapter 4.2.

String. Format:


Whether the scout is connected or not.

Integer. Possible values:
1 = Scout is connected
0 = Scout is not connected


Indicating what type of match information is sent.

String, possible values: full delta deltaupdate


The id of the match the match information message is being sent for.

startOfficial match start time.Timestamp
t1idTeam id for home team.Integer
t1nameTeam name for home team.String
t2idTeam id for away team.Integer
t2nameTeam name for away team.String

Super team id away team. Note
that this attribute needs to be enabled in the XML configuration options.


Super team id away team.
that this attribute needs to be enabled in the XML configuration options.


Optional attribute indicating
whether a match is booked or
not. Only added if includeavail-
able="yes" was added to the match list request.

Integer. Possible values:
1 = Match is booked
0 = Match is not booked

Subelements of the <match> element
statusThis element is included in the fullfeed, but also gets sent out in the delta feed for the following events: Status change (1013)


The id representing the current status the match is in.


Textual representation of the current status the match is in.

String. For a full overview of match statuses
and their ids, see the sport specific chapters.

startTime at which the status was set.Timestamp
tournamentThis element only gets included in full feed.
idThe id representing the tournament.Integer
nameThe name of the tournament.String
categoryThis element only gets included in full feed.
idThe id representing the category.Integer
nameThe name of the category.String
sportThis element only gets included in full feed.
idThe id representing the sport.Integer

The name of the sport.

EventsElement holding the events for each sport. More information about events can be found in each individual sport specific chapter.

The overview above only mentions attributes and subelements which are present for all sports. In addition to this each sport has their own specific attributes and elements. For a full overview of what attributes and elements are present for each sport, see each individual sport specific chapter.

Delta match message

After a full match update is received, most updates will be sent real time as delta messages. In these messages only the new data is sent, and they could be considered a "light" version of the full match information, containing less attributes and by default no subelements (unless the value of that element was changed) in the <match>-element. Delta messages usually contain only one event at a time, and if the value of any of the match statistics changed, this will be included in the delta messages.

Example: If a player receives a yellow card, a delta message is generated and sent out to the client system. This message
contains both a yellow card event in the event list, and the yellow-element is included in the match summary.

Code Block
<match betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="1" dc="1" feedtype="delta" matchid="6971324">
<!-- Only statistics which are updated are included in delta messages. -->
<yellow t1="1" t2="0"/>
<!-- Only one event per message -->
<event id="490157138" info="Yellow card [T1]" mtime="05:55" side="home" stime="1445118003431" type="40"/>

The event types used in delta updates are the same as for full match updates.

Deltaupdate match message
If an existing event is changed, a deltaupdate is sent for this event. E.g. a yellow card event is entered, and 1 minute later the event is updated by including which player got the card. Client systems need to consider this message as an update of an existing event, and not a new event.

Code Block
titleXML example - yellow card
<match betstatus="STARTED" connectionstatus="1" dc="1" feedtype="delta" matchid="7155792">
<yellow t1="3" t2="0"/>
<event id="12475913" info="Yellow card [T1]" mtime="71:48" side="home" stime="1445327534236" type="40"/>
Code Block
titleXML example - yellow card with updated information
<match betstatus="STARTED" connectionstatus="1" dc="1" feedtype="deltaupdate" matchid="7155792">
<yellow t1="3" t2="0"/>
<event id="12475913" info="Yellow card [T1] W.Schober" mtime="71:48" player1="27195" side="home" stime="1445327534236" type="

XML attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values
matchfeedtypeIndicating what type of match information is sent


deltaupdate = Updated information on an event

eventidThe unique id of the event which is being updated.Integer

Deletion of events
Sometimes events are deleted, e.g. a yellow card not confirmed event was entered incorrectly. When events get deleted, the client does not get a deltaupdate message. Instead, a delete event event gets sent out, as a regular delta message.

Code Block
titleXML example - yellow card not confirmed
<match betstatus="STARTED" connectionstatus="1" dc="1" feedtype="delta" matchid="7155792">
<event id="12475952" info="Yellow card not confirmed" mtime="74:43" side="none" stime="1445327710120" type="1085"/>
Code Block
titleXML example - yellow card not confirmed message gets deleted
<match betstatus="STARTED" connectionstatus="1" dc="1" feedtype="delta" matchid="7155792">
<event extrainfo="12475952" id="12475954" info="Event deleted : Canceled yellow card" mtime="75:52" side="none" stime="
1445327778444" type="1044"/>

The extrainfo attribute does not contain an ID related to the match itself (that ID is found in the matchid attribute), but it contains the event ID of the event it deletes. In the example above you can see in the 2nd XML example; the extrainfo attribute has the value 12475952, which corresponds to the event id of the message in the 1st XML example (event id="12475952").


The 1044 (delete event) can delete any event in the match, as is described above.

XML attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values
matchfeedtypeIndicating what type of match information is sent.


delta = A new event happened

eventextrainfoThe unique id of the event which is being deleted.Integer
typeThe typeid of the event which is being sent out. In the example above a "delete event" gets sent out.


1044 = Delete event