The communication between the Betradar system and the client system is done by exchanging messages in the XML format. This chapter provides you with information about the different XML messages sendt from the Betradar system. XML messages sent from Betradar The Betradar system sends out different types of XML messages. The content of those messages can differ, but the root element is always the same, <BetradarLiveOdds>: Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <BetradarLiveOdds xmlns="" replytype="current" status="betstart" time="0"
<!-- Information regarding matches, odds, etc goes here -->
</BetradarLiveOdds> |
XML attributes definition Element | Attributes |
| Attribute | Descruption | Possible value | BetradarLiveOdds | status | Keyword which describes what the content of the XML message will be like. In the upcoming chapters the keywords and content are described in more detail. | String, one of the following values: - loginok
- loginfailed
- betstop
- betstart
- alive
- clearbet
- rollback
- change
- score
- cards
- error
- cancelbet
- undecancelbet
- meta
| timestamp | Time from server in UTC which the client needs to sync to. | Timestamp in UTC | replytype | Optional attribute. String which identifies the type of message coming from the Betradar system. This attribute is included if the message is a reply to an error, current, unregister, register and score request from the client system. | String, one of the following values: - error
- current
- register
- unregister
- scoreandcardsummary
Info |
The information sent over the feed is split up per match. For each match a subelement <match> is added to the feed. |
Code Block |
language | xml |
title | XML example |
| <BetradarLiveOdds xmlns="" status="alive" timestamp="1413791030423">
<Match active="1" betstatus="started" gamescore="0:0" matchid="6263978" msgnr="126" server="1" score="0:0" setscore1="3:4" status="1set"
<Match active="1" betstatus="started" gamescore="0:30" matchid="6264696" msgnr="188" server="1" score="0:0" setscore1="5:3" status="1set"
</BetradarLiveOdds> |