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Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Aussie rules specific information, match statuses, events and XML options.

Match statuses in aussie rules

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IDMatch statusDescriptionAdditional information
0NOT_STARTEDNot started yet-
13FIRST_QUARTER1st period-
14SECOND_QUARTER2nd period-
15THIRD_QUARTER3rd period-
16FOURTH_QUARTER4th quarter-
301FIRST_PAUSE1st pause-
302SECOND_PAUSE2nd pause-
303THIRD_PAUSE3rd pause-
32AWAITING_OTWaiting for overtime to start-
41FIRST_HALF_OTFirst overtime period-
33OT_HALFTIMEPause between 1st and 2nd overtime period-
42OT_HTPause between 1st and 2nd overtime period-
443AWAITING_SDBefore sudden death-
440AFTER_OTMatch finished after overtime-
100ENDEDThe match has ended-
110SDSudden death-
444AFTER_SDMatch finished after sudden death-
80INTERRUPTEDThe match has been interrupted-
90ABANDONEDThe match has been abandoned

This match status is only sent if the corresponding XML configuration is enabled.

Events in Aussie rules

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Ball possession

Possession change to the given team.

iScout (BC)





Weather conditions

Information about the weather at the venue

iScout (BC)


  • 0 = unknown
  • 1 = good
  • 2 = medium
  • 3 = bad
  • 4 = indoor
  • 5 = extreme





Betstart indicates that betting markets can be activated. Betstart is not only a pre match event but is also used during the match.

iScout (BC)






Betstop is a feature used for the betting industry. Whenever the match is on this event, it means that all betting markets are closed due to strong possibility of a goal, penalty, red card, or there is any unclear situation on the field. Betstop is also used whenever there is the need to establish direct communication between the scout and the match Supervisor, or in case of call disconnection.

IScout (BC)





Liveodds matchstatus

Matchstatus as defined in the liveodds system. Sent when the status of the match changes, see the above table "Match statuses" for additional information about allowed values.

iScout (BC)


  • 0 = Not started
  • 1 = First period
  • 2 = Second period
  • 3 = Third period
  • 32 = Awaiting OT
  • 34 = Awaiting penalties
  • 40 = Overtime
  • 50 = Penalty shooting
  • 80 = Interrupted
  • 90 = Abandoned
  • 100 = Ended
  • 110 = After OT
  • 120 = After penalties
  • 301 = First pause
  • 302 = Second pause




Free text

Free text message. Free comment is used for any kind of additional information during the match. Example: "Match interrupted due to flood light break down", etc..

iScout (BC)





Possible goal

Sent either at the moment when the goal is scored, or before when probability for goal is high.

iScout (BC)





Goal canceled

Possible goal is not confirmed.

iScout (BC)


  • 0 (Unknown reason)
  • 1 (Offside)
  • 2 (Foul)
  • 3 (Incorrect entry)
  • 4 (Out of bounds)
  • 5 (Play stopped)




Match about to start

The players are done warming up and the match itself is about to start.

iScout (BC)





Dangerous attack

The team with possession is inside the opponent’s 50 meter line.

iScout (BC)





Ball safe

The ball is currently in the team with possession’s half of the pitch.

iScout (BC)





Time start/stop

Match clock is stopped or started

iScout (BC)


  • 0 = Time is stopped
  • 1 = Time is running




Manual time adjustment

Manual adjustment of time

iScout (BC)





Event deletion alert

Manual removal of an event.

iScout (BC)

Id of event that was deleted.




Coverage status

Scout match coverage status. Coverage abandoned status means that coverage is stopped after it had already been started. Match will not be covered status means that match was supposed to be covered but coverage has been canceled before.

iScout (BC)


  • 0 = Covered
  • 1 = Coverage abandoned
  • 2 = Not covered





The team with possession has moved into the opponent’s half of the pitch, but is outside the 50 meter line.

iScout (BC)






A turnover happens.

iScout (BC)





Ball up

One team won the ball up. Ball up is used to start play and after a goal has been scored.

iScout (BC)





Free kick

One team was awarded a free kick.

iScout (BC)






The most important of the two main score events.

iScout (BC)






One of the two main scoring events.

iScout (BC)






A legal tackle has occurred.

iScout (BC)





Kick in

The ball left play and is being kicked back onto the pitch and into play.

iScout (BC)





Handball pass

One team has attempted a handball pass.

iScout (BC)





Kick pass

One team has attempted a kick pass.

iScout (BC)






One team successfully caught the ball after a kick pass and got a Mark.

iScout (BC)






A player has been reported by the umpire, due to an act that may result in a suspension.

iScout (BC)





50 meter penalty awarded

One team was awarded a 50 meter penalty.

iScout (BC)





Score review

There was a disagreement on whether a goal was valid or not, and the umpires are currently reviewing it.

iScout (BC)





Score confirmed

Score review is complete and the goal stands.

iScout (BC)





Score overturned

Score review is complete and the goal was overturned.

iScout (BC)





Play on

One team will "play on" and not pause play after being awarded a free kick.

iScout (BC)





Throw in

The ball ended up outside the pitch, and the umpire will throw it back in.

iScout (BC)





Missed score

Team that misses score.

iScout (BC)




Specific Aussie rules elements and attributes

This section explains what elements / attributes one can expect for Aussie rules matches in addition to the standard elements and attributes (see chapter 3.1.2 and 3.1.3), and what the meaning of those elements and attributes is.

Attributes in <goals and behinds>-elements

XML example
<match matchid="13963578" feedtype="delta" />
 <match t2name="PENNANT HILLS" t2id="5401387" t1name="BALMAIN DOCKERS AFC" t1id="5413908" start="1520581860000" matchid="
 13963578" feedtype="full" extrainfo="0" distance="0" betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="1" coveredfrom="venue">
 <status start="1520582235107" name="SUDDEN_DEATH" id="440"/>
 <score type="current" t2="71" t1="65"/>
 <goals t1="0" t2="1" type="suddendeath"/>
<behinds t1="5" t2="5" type="current"/>

XML attributes definition

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AttributeDescriptionPossible values
goals and behinds

t1Home team

Integer. Format: "Integer"

t2Away team

Integer. Format: "Integer"
Example: "6"

typeWhen the goals and behinds take place

String. Format: "String"
Example: "period4"

Possible values:

  • period1
  • period2
  • period3
  • period4
  • overtime1
  • overtime2
  • suddendeath

Attributes in the <event> element

XML example
<goals t1="1" t2="1" type="period1"/>
<behinds t1="0" t2="0" type="suddendeath"/>
<event type="164" stime="1520581959998" side="none" mtime="00:00" info="Weather is ’INDOOR’" id="881157464" extrainfo="4" matchscore="
0:0" goals="0:0" behinds="0:0"/>
<event type="1011" stime="1520582097495" side="none" mtime="40:11" info="Betstop" id="881157851" extrainfo="0" matchscore="13:21"
goals="2:3" behinds="1:3"/>

XML attributes definition

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AttributeDescriptionPossible values
eventgoalsThe goals for the current match

String. Format: "[home]:[away]"
Example: "6:3"

behindsThe behinds for the current match

String. Format: "[home]:[away]"
Example: "4:4"

posxHorizontal position on pitchposx being a number from 0 to 100. The reference point 0 is at home teams goal.
posyVertical position on pitchposy being a number from 0 to 100. The reference point 0 is on top of pitch when home teams goal is on the left hand side.

XML configurations for Aussie rules

Include side attribute ball safe (ID 131)

Enabling this setting will add a value to the attribute side in the <event> element for event 1030 (ball safe). The value of this attribute will either be "home" or "away". If this setting is not enabled, the attribute side will have value "none".

XML example - setting enabled
<event id="142486" info="Ball safe [T2]" mtime="00:05" posx="50" posy="50" side="away" stime="1434877468224" type="1030"/>
<event id="142578" info="Ball safe [T1]" mtime="00:17" posx="5" posy="50" side="home" stime="1434877480651" type="1030"/>
XML example - setting disabled
<event id="142486" info="Ball safe [T2]" mtime="00:05" posx="50" posy="50" side="none" stime="1434877468224" type="1030"/>
<event id="142578" info="Ball safe [T1]" mtime="00:17" posx="5" posy="50" side="none" stime="1434877480651" type="1030"/>