Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Sport specific information for Basketball.

Match statuses in Basketball

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IDMatch statusDescriptionAdditional information
0NOT_STARTEDNot started yet-
1FIRST_PERIOD1st halftime

This match status is only sent for NCAA
men matches.

13FIRST_QUARTER1st quarter-
301FIRST_PAUSE1st pause-
14SECOND_QUARTER2nd quarter-
302SECOND_PAUSE2nd pause-
31HALF_TIMEHalftime break

This match status is only sent for NCAA
men matches.

2SECOND_PERIOD2nd halftime

This match status is only sent for NCAA
men matches.

15THIRD_QUARTER3rd quarter-
303THIRD_PAUSE3rd pause-
16FORTH_QUARTER4th quarter-
100ENDEDThe match has ended-
32AWAITING_OTWaiting for overtime to start

This match status is only sent if the
corresponding XML configuration is

40OVERTIMEOvertime (in case match goes to extra time)-
110AFTER_OTMatch finished after overtime

This match status is only sent if the
corresponding XML configuration is

61DELAYEDThe match start is delayed-
80INTERRUPTEDThe match has been interrupted-
90ABANDONEDThe match has been abandoned

This match status is only sent if the
corresponding XML configuration is

Events in Basketball

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60SubstitutionUsed when a substitution of players occursiScout (DC), XSA (DC)--Id of player going outId of player going in
110PossessionIndicates which team is currently in possession of the ball.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----

Used when a foul is committed.
Entries are assigned to teams.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Possible values:

  • -1 = Unknown
  • 1 = Personal
  • 2 = shooting
  • 3 = Offensive
  • 4 = Technical
  • 5 = Flagrant
-Id of fouling player. Only if present.Id of fouled player. Only if present.

Betstart indicates that betting markets can be activated. Betstart is not only a pre match event but is also used during the match.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----

Betstop indicates that all betting markets are closed due to strong possibility of a goal, penalty, red card, or there is any unclear situation on the field. Betstop is also used whenever there is the need to establish direct communication between the scout and the match Supervisor, or in case of call disconnection.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1013Match statusSent when the status of the match changes.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)See above table for match statuses available for Basketball.---
1015Free commentFree text message. Free comment is used for any kind of additional information during the match.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1024Match about to start

This event is sent when both captains, together with the referee, are selecting which team will start the match.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1033Won jump ball teamInformation about which team won the jump ball. Jump ball is used to begin play and sometimes to resume play.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

1034ReboundRebound awarded to a player who retrieves the ball after a missed field goal or free throw.iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Rebound type. Possible values:

  • 0 = Defensive
  • 1 = Offensive
  • -1 = Unknown
-Id of rebounding player. Only if present.-

A team calls a timeout. Entries can be assigned to teams, but neutral timeouts are possible too.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1036Time start stopMatch clock is stopped or started.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Possible values:

  • 1 = Time started
  • 0 = Time stopped
1037Score change

Used when a team scores points. Entries are assigned to teams.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Possible values:

  • 1 = Free throw (1 point)
  • 2 = 2-pointer
  • 3 = 3-pointer

Possible values:

  • -1 = Unknown
  • 1 = Invalid
  • 2 = Fast break
  • 3 = Dunk
  • 4 = Layup
  • 5 = Putback
  • 6 = Tip-in
  • 7 = Alley-Oop
Id of scoring player. Only if present.Id of assissting player. Only if present.
1038Score missUsed when a point attempt missed.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Possible values:

  • 1 = Free throw (1 point)
  • 2 = 2-pointer
  • 3 = 3-pointer

Possible values:

  • 1 = If free throw is flagged as invalid
Id of shooting player. Only if present.-
1039Manual time adjustmentManual adjustment of time.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Number of seconds adjusted. Either a positive or a negative integer.


Delete event alert

Manual removal of an event.

Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Id of event that was deleted.---
1047Timeout overUsed when timeout is over.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1056Number free throwsFree throws awarded to a player.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Number of free throws. (1 - 3)

Possible values:

  • 1 = If it is a 1+1 free throw. (NCAA only)
1062Ball positionPosition of the ball on the court in x/y coordinates.iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1102Coverage statusScout match coverage status. Coverage abandoned status means that coverage is stopped after it had already been started. Match will not be covered status means that match was supposed to be covered but coverage has been cancelled before.Hardphone (BC), iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)

Possible values:
0 = Covered
1 = Coverage abandoned
2 = Match will not be

1437TV timeout startStart of a break in the game to allow television advertisements to be show. Can be attributed to home team, away team or no team ("official's timeout"), but side attribute is always set to "none".iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)----
1438TV timeout overEnd of a break in the game to allow television advertisements to be show. Can be attributed to home team, away team or no team ("official's timeout"), but side attribute is always set to "none".iScout (BC+DC), XSA (DC)---
1458Video reviewUsed when a video review of a referee call occursXSA (DC)----
1459Video review overUsed when a video review of a referee call is overXSA (DC)Possible values:
  • 0 = call stands
  • 1 = call overturned
1600Basketball score miss 2p countNumber of 2 pointers missedXSA (DC)Updated number of missed 2 pointers---
1601Basketball score miss 3p countNumber of 3 pointers missedXSA (DC)Updated number of missed 3 pointers---
1603Basketball play startIndication that a free throw will be thrown shortly (player on the free throw line)XSA (DC)----
1604Basketball play overIndication that the free throw sequence is overXSA (DC)----
1605Basketball play cancelledIf scout enters a "play start" by mistake, he/she can cancel it with "play cancelled"XSA (DC)----
1732Player disqualifiedPlayer is disqualified and must leave the court. Also called "ejection".iScout (DC), XSA (DC)--Id of disqualified player. Only if present.-
1733Steal basketballA steal occurs when a defensive player legally causes a turnover XSA (DC)--Id of player who stole the ball. Only if present.Id of player who lost the ball. Only if present.
1734Turnover basketballTurnover occurs when a team loses possession of the ball to the opposing team before a player takes a shot at his team's basketXSA (DC)

Turnover type. Possible values:

  • -1 = unknown
  • 1 = travelling
  • 2 = bad pass
  • 3 = lost ball
  • 4 = double dribble
  • 5 = out of bounds
  • 6 = palming
  • 7 = shot clock violation
  • 8 = back court violation
  • 9 = three second violation
  • 10 = five seconds violation
  • 11 = eight seconds violation
  • 12 = offensive foul
-Id of player who turned over the ball-
1735Block basketballA block or occurs when a defensive player legally deflects a field goal attempt from an offensive playerXSA (DC)--Id of blocking player. Only if present.Id of blocked player. Only if present.
1742Score event correctionUsed to convert two-pointers into three-pointers and vice versaXSA (DC)Id of corrected score change event---

Sport specific XML elements and attributes

This section explains what elements / attributes one can expect for Basketball matches in addition to the standard elements and attributes, and what the meaning of those elements and attributes is.

Attributes in <match>-element

XML example
<match t1namenatural="Charlotte Hornets" t2namenatural="Toronto Raptors" t2name="TORONTO RAPTORS" t2id="19389" t1name="CHARLOTTE HORNETS" t1id="236032" t1abbr="CHA" t2abbr="TOR" start="1607990400000" matchid="24699292" feedtype="full" extrainfo="7" distance="946" betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="0" dc="1" device="3" coveredfrom="venue" timerunning="0" wonjumpball="away" st1id="3430" st2id="3433" matchtime="48:00" sportid="2" stime="1608117496346"> 

XML elements and attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values

Integer specifying special information for the match.

Integer. Possible values:

  • 0 = Default
  • 7 = 12 minute periods
  • 17 = 2 x 20 minutes
  • 60 = 2 x 10 minutes
  • 64 = 4 x 6 minutes
  • 68 = 4 x 5 minutes
  • 70 = 4 x 4 minutes
wonjumpballWhich team won the jump ball.


timerunningWhether the time is running.

1 = Time is running
0 = Time is not running

Elements in <match> element

XML example
<match t1namenatural="Charlotte Hornets" t2namenatural="Toronto Raptors" t2name="TORONTO RAPTORS" t2id="19389" t1name="CHARLOTTE HORNETS" t1id="236032" t1abbr="CHA" t2abbr="TOR" start="1607990400000" matchid="24699292" feedtype="full" extrainfo="7" distance="946" betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="0" dc="1" device="3" coveredfrom="venue" timerunning="0" wonjumpball="away" st1id="3430" st2id="3433" matchtime="48:00" sportid="2" stime="1608117496346">
<status start="1607999474587" name="ENDED" id="100"/>
<score type="current" t2="112" t1="109"/>
<score type="period4" t2="27" t1="22"/>
<score type="period1" t2="22" t1="30"/>
<score type="period2" t2="35" t1="30"/>
<score type="period3" t2="28" t1="27"/>
<tournament name="NBA Preseason" id="9154"/>
<category name="USA" id="15"/>
<sport name="Basketball" id="2"/>
<jersey side="1" jersey_type="0" base="FFFFFF" outline="00CACA" number="800080"/>
<jersey side="2" jersey_type="1" base="CC0000" outline="000000" number="FFFFFF"/>

XML elements and attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values

Multiple occurrences possible, each occurrence describes the amount of points for the specified period
in the match. This element always gets included in full feed, and in the delta feed for the following events:

Basketball score change (1037), and Score event correction (1742)

t1Amount of points home teamInteger
t2Amount of points away teamInteger
typeFor what period in the match the points were scored.

String. Possible values:

  • current
  • period1
  • period2
  • period3
  • period4

This element always gets included in full feed (DC matches only), and in the delta feed (DC matches only) for the following events:

Possession (110)

t1Possession percentage home teamInteger
t2Possession percentage away teamInteger
typeTeam currently in possession

String. Possible values:

  • "home"
  • "away"

Attributes in <event> element

XML example
<!-- Example 1 -->
<match matchid="24699292" feedtype="delta" betstatus="STARTED" connectionstatus="1" timerunning="1" wonjumpball="away">
<possession team="home"/>
<event type="1038" stime="1607991048876" side="away" mtime="00:30" info="3 points missed [T2]" id="2565321759" uuid="662eccb5-4898-4b93-b59e-0e9bafbf511d" extrainfo="3" posx="34" posy="71" matchscore="0:0" remainingtimeperiod="11:30" periodnumber="1" matchstatus="FIRST_QUARTER"/> 

<match matchid="24699292" feedtype="delta" betstatus="STARTED" connectionstatus="1" timerunning="1" wonjumpball="away">
<possession team="home"/>
<event type="1742" stime="1607999468638" side="home" mtime="48:00" info="Points scored corrected from 3 to 2 [T1]" id="2565400617" uuid="738521f5-d69d-49fc-abaf-1f3aa7e59c95" extrainfo="2565400553" matchscore="109:112" remainingtimeperiod="00:00" periodnumber="4" correctedfrom="3" correctedto="2" matchstatus="FOURTH_QUARTER"/> 

XML attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values

Attribute containing additional information about the event.


Horizontal position on pitch, posx being a number from 0 to 100. The reference point 0 is at home teams goal.


Vertical position on pitch , posy being a number from 0 to 100. The reference point 0 is on top of pitch when home teams goal is on the left hand side.


Sportradar player id for player 1 connected to this event.


Sportradar player id for player 2 connected to this event.

matchscoreScore for current match.

String. Format: "[home]:[away]"
Example: "1:0"

remainingtimeperiodRemaining time of the period.String. Format: "MM:SS"
periodnumberNumber of current period in match.Integer

Attribute containing additional information about the event.

correctedfromprevious points value of the corrected score change event (event ID 1742)Integer
correctedto new points value of the corrected score change event (event ID 1742)Integer
secondscoretypeAdditional score type. Same as extrainfobasketball with possible values beeing:
  • -1 = Unknown
  • 1 = Invalid
  • 2 = Fast break
  • 3 = Dunk
  • 4 = Layup
  • 5 = Putback
  • 6 = Tip-in
  • 7 = Alley-Oop

XML configurations for Basketball

This section explains what XML configurations one can expect for this sport in addition to the standard XML configurations, and what the meaning of these configurations is.

(ID: 10) Basketball OT matchstatuses

Enabling this setting will add the following possible match statuses for basketball matches:



(ID: 28) Include Extrainfo attribute

Enabling this setting will add an additional attribute extrainfobasketball to the <event> element. The value of this attribute is explained in the event list.

XML example
<event extrainfo ="2" extrainfobasketball="5:6,23:15" id="422510698" info="Score adjusted for 2nd Period. New matchscore: 23:15"
matchscore="23:15" mtime="14:09" periodnumber="2" remainingtimeperiod="05:51" side="none" stime="1435190811853" type="1550"/>
<!-- Remaining message truncated -->

(ID: 32) Include Periodx score type

Enabling this setting will add an attribute type in the <score> element, the attribute type can have one of the following values in addition to the regular values for Basketball matches:

• period1

• period2

• period3

• period4

XML example
<match matchid="7440630" ... >
<score t1="14" t2="20"type="period1"/>
<!−−Remaining message truncated−−>

(ID: 36) Include Lineups

Enabling this settings will allow the lineups event to be sent. Lineups are sent when subscribing to a match or when the lineup change.

XML example
<lineups matchid="6856980">
<player id="215634" name="Clark, Ian" shirtnumber="5" substitute="0" team="1"/>
<player id="801224" name="Ingles, Joe" shirtnumber="7" substitute="0" team="1"/>
<!−−Remaining message truncated−−>

(ID: 37) Include Basketball v2 upgrades

Enabling this setting will add the event 1742 (Score event correction): correctedfrom and correctedto as additional attributes to the <event> element. Those attributes contain respectively the old value of the score event, and the new updated value.

XML example
<event correctedfrom ="3" correctedto ="2"  extrainfo ="435180082" id="435180084" info="Points scored corrected from 3 to 2 [T1]" matchscore="5:7" mtime="10:00" periodnumber="1" remainingtimeperiod="00:00" side="home" stime="1438860996364" type="1742"/>

(ID: 46) Include Attribute secondscoretype

Enabling this setting will add the attribute 1037 (Score change event) to the <event> element. This attribute contains a second score type, giving more detailed information about the score change event.

XML example
<event extrainfo="2" extrainfobasketball ="2" id="469541750" info="2 points (fast break,tip in) [T1]" matchscore="2:0" mtime="00:05"
periodnumber="1" posx="73" posy="56" remainingtimeperiod="09:55" secondscoretype="6" side="home" stime="1447925273369" type=" 1037"/>

(ID: 75) Include Ball spotting

Enabling this setting will enable the ball position event (1062).

  • No labels