Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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This section contains information about general XML configuration settings with XML examples, XML attributes, and element descriptions. These configurations can be for a single sport, multiple sports or for all sports we offer.

When new features are released for a sport, they will not automatically be included in the feed. Clients need to enable the features on the Live Data XML configuration page before they will start receiving them. This interface can be found online at: > Configuration > Live > Live Data User Config > Live Data Xml configuration. To activate a new feature, simply check them on or off in this configuration window.

Currently, the following XML features are available:

Not every sport currently has sport specific XML configurations. Information about sport specific XML settings can be found in each individual sport section.

General Live Data XML configurations:

Send matchlist updates (ID 18)

If this setting is enabled, the server sends out matchlistupdate messages over the feed automatically. These updates are sent to connected sessions when access to a match is either lost or gained. Example: Booking a match triggers a matchlistupdate message. Matchlistupdate messages look very similar to normal matchlist messages. The only differences are the name of the root element (<matchlistupdate> instead of <matchlist>) and a new attribute active in the <match> element.

XML example
<match active="1" booked="0" coveredfrom="venue" extrainfo="0" matchid="956" st1id="14321" st2id="14329" start="1361437625000" t1id="
11403" t1name="AGASSI, ANDRE" t2id="11749" t2name="GAUDIO, GASTON">
<status id="0" name="NOT_STARTED" start="0"/>
<score t1="0" t2="0" type="match"/>
<tournament id="568" name="Paris TMS, France"/>
<category id="3" name="ATP"/>
<sport id="5" name="Tennis"/>

XML attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values

Whether the match is available (for example right after booking) or unavailable (if it was just removed).

1 = The match is available 0 = The
match is unavailable

Include matchstatus in events (ID 111)

Enabling this setting will include the match status attribute in every event. For more information about match statuses see each individual "information per sport section".

Include sportid in events (ID 109)

Enabling this setting will include the "sportid" attribute in the match element. Sport ID information can be found HERE.

Fullfeed matchtime (ID 3)

If this setting is enabled, the full feed will contain a matchtime attribute in the <match> element.

XML example
<match betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="0" dc="1" extrainfo="0" feedtype="full" matchid="4973358" matchtime="00:08" start="
1407582900000" t1id="33137" t1name="DALLAS COWBOYS" t2id="35256" t2name="WASHINGTON REDSKINS">
<!-- Message truncated -->

Include super team ID in the XML (ID 13)

If this setting is enabled, all <match> elements which are inside a <matchlist> will get the attributes st1id and st2id.

XML example
<match active="1" coveredfrom="tv" dc="1" extrainfo="0" matchid="7236421" st1id="14794" st2id="53183" start="1430218200000" t1id="
345501" t1name="GIMENO-TRAVER, DANIEL" t2id="5800045" t2name="ILKEL, CEM">
<!-- Message truncated -->

Send the matchtime periodically (ID 21)

Enabling this setting will periodically send the client the matches they are subscribed to, and add the matchtime attribute for those matches.

Use match status ABANDONED (ID 12)

Enabling this setting will allow the system to send match status ABANDONED.

XML example
<lineups matchid="1062714">
<player id="521" name="Almunia, Manuel" shirtnumber="1" substitute="false" team="1" position="G"/>
<player id="518" name="Fabregas, Cesc" shirtnumber="4" substitute="false" team="1" position="D"/>
<player id="15479" name="Fabianski, Lukasz" shirtnumber="12" substitute="false" team="1" position="M"/>
<!-- Remaining message truncated -->

Include device ID for matches in matchlist (ID 38)

Enabling this setting will add the ID of the device used for scouting to the <match> element in the matchlist. The device will also be added to the <match> element when the client subscribes to a match.

XML example
<match t2name="CHELSEA FC" t2id="4870" t1name="ARSENAL FC" t1id="4871" start="1443175200000" matchid="10029090" extrainfo="0"
distance="10" coveredfrom="venue" st1id="42" st2id="38" device="4">
<status start="0" name="NOT_STARTED" id="0"/>
<score type="current" t2="0" t1="0"/>
<tournament name="Premier League" id="1"/>
<category name="England" id="1"/>
<sport name="Soccer" id="1"/>

Possible values for the device attribute

-1No scout allocated yet
3XSA (ScouTVAdmin/Scout platform)
4Scout mobile app - iScout/ITF Scorer
5External data feed

Disable odds suggestions (ID 92)

Enabling this setting will remove Odds Suggestions from the feed.

Add team abbreviations to the matchlist response and full feed (ID 94)

Enabling this setting will add the t1abbr and t2abbr to the <match>-element for all sports. These attributes get added to the full feed and to matchlist responses.

XML example
<match betstatus="BETSTOP" feedtype="full" matchid="10115513" matchtime="45:00 +1:32" start="1464864780000" t1id="5093" t1name="
WERDER BREMEN" t1abbr="BRE" t2id="5090" t2name="FC SCHALKE 04" t2abbr="FCS">

XML elements and attributes definition


AttributeDescriptionPossible values
Matcht1abbr3 letter abbreviation of home team name.String
t2abbr3 letter abbreviation of away team name.String

Please note that American Football matches always contain the t1abbr and t2abbr attributes, regardless of whether this setting is enabled or not.

Enable coverage status in matchlist (ID 97)

Enabling this setting will add the ID of the coverage status to the <match> element in the matchlist.

XML example
<match coveragestatusid="0" coveredfrom="venue" dc="1" extrainfo="0" matchid="1103194689" start="1490013260000" t1id="1296685"
t1name="BERMUDA" t2id="1334221" t2name="NETHERLANDS">
<status id="0" name="NOT_STARTED" start="0"/>
<score t1="0" t2="0" type="match"/>
<tournament id="177" name="NBA"/>
<category id="83" name="Rugby League"/>
<sport id="3" name="Baseball"/>

Possible values for coverage status

IDCoverage status
1Coverage abandoned
2Not covered

Include matchid in bookmatch replay (ID 24)

If this setting is enabled, the attribute matchid gets added to the <bookmatch> element.

XML example
<bookmatch matchid="944423" result="valid" message="OK"/>

Send jersey color information (ID 105)

Enabling this setting will add will add <jerseys> element to the <match> element in the full feed containing jersey color information.

XML example
<match... >
<jersey base="FFFFFF" number="000000" outline="000000" side="1" jersey_type="1" horizontal_stripes="FFFFFF" vertical_stripes="
FFFFFF" split="FFFFFF" squares="FFFFFF" shirt_type="1" sleeve="FFFFFF"/>
<jersey base="990000" number="FFFFFF" outline="990000" side="1" jersey_type="4" horizontal_stripes="FFFFFF" vertical_stripes="
FFFFFF" split="FFFFFF" squares="FFFFFF" shirt_type="1" sleeve="FFFFFF"/>
<jersey base="FFFFFF" number="000000" outline="000000" side="2" jersey_type="2" horizontal_stripes="FFFFFF" vertical_stripes="
FFFFFF" split="FFFFFF" squares="FFFFFF" shirt_type="1" sleeve="FFFFFF"/>
<jersey base="990000" number="FFFFFF" outline="990000" side="2" jersey_type="4" horizontal_stripes="FFFFFF" vertical_stripes="
FFFFFF" split="FFFFFF" squares="FFFFFF" shirt_type="1" sleeve="FFFFFF"/>

The different values for the jersey_type attribute are:
1. HOME, "Home kit"
2. AWAY, "Away kit"
3. ALTERNATE, "Alternate kit"
4. GOALKEEPER, "Goal keeper kit"

Include naturally capitalized team names (ID 108)

Enabling this setting will add naturally capitalized team names for home and away teams to the <match> element in the full feed with attributes t1namenatural and t2namenatural, respectively.

XML example
<match betstatus="BETSTOP" connectionstatus="0" coveredfrom="tv" dc="1" device="3" distance="0" extrainfo="0" feedtype="full" firstserve="
home" matchid="12893097" matchtime="1:53:07" numberofsets="1" st1id="46125" st2id="26272" start="1511851140000" t1id="6586501
" t1name="CHISNALL, DAVE" t2id="1032178" t2name="ANDERSON, GARY" t1namenatural="Chisnall, Dave" t2namenatural="Anderson,

Include UUID attribute to all events (ID 140)

Enabling this setting in the configuration will include a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) to all <event.../> messages in the feed.

XML example
<event type="1024" stime="1563441172124" side="none" mtime="00:00" 
info="Match about to start" id="948531510" uuid="2a7e0432-a6e7-45ad-ac4f-l4lfl8ffbba0" matcshore="0:0" 

Include UUID of deleted events (ID 141)

Enabling this setting in the configuration will include a reference to the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the deleted event to all <event.../> messages in the feed that are of eventtype 1044 (DELETE_EVENT_ALERT). The reference is in the attribute "refuuid".

XML example
<event type="1044" stime="1590590593442" side="away" mtime="00:37:36" info="Event deleted : Tennis point (originally entered at 14:42:51
UTC)"id="2564731569" refuuid="5b7ef738-b7ae-4731-88c4-5da02dbb6a96" uuid="8ef9dbbc-20e4-4426-8e79-ab68a5dd7411" extrainfo="2564731021" 
gamenumber="6" setnumber="1" gamescore="15:40" setscore="4:1" matchscore="0:0" matchstatus="FIRST_SET"/>