Messages are sent on various topics that are intended to provide easy and flexible routing/filtering. The topic key is divided into 8 sections:

The above image illustrates the syntax and ordering of the message queue. Each "topic" is divided by a "." (punctuation) symbol.
- Priority (hi/lo/-): Is this a timing sensitive message (bet_settlement messages are considered not timing sensitive)?
- Pre-match interest (pre/virt/-): Is this message interesting for a pre-match only system? For real sport-events prematch odds are sent with “pre” as the keyword. If this word is “virt”, it means this is prematch odds for one of Betradar’s virtual sports.
- Live interest (live/-): Is this message interesting for live odds only system?
- Message type(s): odds_change, bet_settlement, bet_stop, cancelbet, rollback_betsettlement, rollback_cancelbet, fixture_change, alive.
- Sport (Sport ID/-): 1 = Soccer, 2 = Basketball, 3 = Baseball, etc (
- URN for sport-event id: sr:match
- Sport-event id without URN: 123456
- Node_id can be used for recovery to ensure that a session is not receiving recovery messages for another session for the same customer
Common topic key examples:
A pre-match odds update: | |
A live odds update: | |
A Fixture change | |
A live bet-_settlement: | |
Post-match bet-settlement | |
A virtual sport odds update | hi.virt.-.odds_change.1.vs:match.1234.- |
An alive message | -.-.-.alive.-.-.-.- |
A snapshot complete message | -.-.-.snapshot_complete.-.-.- |