Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Messages are sent on various topics that are intended to provide easy and flexible routing/filtering. The topic key is divided into 8 sections:

The above image illustrates the syntax and ordering of the message queue. Each "topic" is divided by a "." (punctuation) symbol.

  1. Priority (hi/lo/-): Is this a timing sensitive message (bet_settlement messages are considered not timing sensitive)?
  2. Pre-match interest (pre/virt/-): Is this message interesting for a pre-match only system? For real sport-events prematch odds are sent with “pre” as the keyword. If this word is “virt”, it means this is prematch odds for one of Betradar’s virtual sports.
  3. Live interest (live/-): Is this message interesting for live odds only system?
  4. Message type(s): odds_change, bet_settlement, bet_stop, cancelbet, rollback_betsettlement, rollback_cancelbet, fixture_change, alive.
  5. Sport (Sport ID/-): 1 = Soccer, 2 = Basketball, 3 = Baseball, etc (
  6. URN for sport-event id: sr:match
  7. Sport-event id without URN: 123456
  8. Node_id can be used for recovery to ensure that a session is not receiving recovery messages for another session for the same customer

Common topic key examples:

A pre-match odds update:   

A live odds update:

A Fixture change

A live bet-_settlement:

Post-match bet-settlement

A virtual sport odds update


An alive message


A snapshot complete message


Note: Unless you are binding to all messages (“#”), you will typically bind to at least two routing key patterns (e.g. “*.*.live.#” and “-.-.-.#”) because you are typically always interested in receiving the system messages that will come with a routing key starting with -.-.-

Betradar strongly recommends to have all binding patterns always end with .# to ensure backward compatibility if additions are made to the routing key.