Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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Betradar - the betting arm of Sportradar

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The bet_stop message is an optimized signal to indicate that all, or a set of markets should be instantly suspended (continue to display odds, but don't accept tickets). The same effect can also be achieved by sending an odds_change message that lists all the affected markets and moves them to status="-1" (suspended).

It is important to keep in mind that only active markets should be set to suspended, and not markets that are already deactivated, settled or cancelled. This is also the case for the attribute market_status (explained HERE). If it is not present, the market should be moved to suspended. However, if the market is already deactivated, settled or cancelled this is not a good practice. Only move ACTIVE markets to suspended.

The bet_stop is sent very rapidly, as soon as a Betradar operator detects an issue. At the time the bet_stop is sent, the cause for the betstop is not always available (typically not for live matches). The cause of the bet_stop is provided in a subsequent odds_change message (see THIS section for more details.).


The betstop is sent very rapidly, as soon as a Betradar operator detects an issue. At the time the betstop is sent the cause for the betstop is not always available (typically not for live matches). The cause of the bet_stop is provided in a subsequent odds_change message.



The timestamp (milliseconds since epoch UTC) for this message.


The Betradar producer that is sending this message (1=LiveOdds, 2=MTS, 3=BetradarCtrl, 4=BetPal, 5=Premium Cricket). See the endpoint descriptions/producers.xml for a listing of current producers.


What sport event this message refers to.


A description of which set of markets should be suspended – the value should be a group-name as can be seen in the market-descriptions (‘all’ is a special keyword that means all markets for this event).


If not present, the markets specified should be moved to suspended. If present, they should be either suspended or deactivated based on the value of this field.


If present, describes the reason for the bet stop.

The betstop_reason should NOT be used to trigger a bet_stop on the customer side. This is an additional attribute with information that is set by our scouts in order to inform customers why a certain bet_stop was set. This attribute is OPTIONAL and there are scenarios where no betstop_reason will be sent.

NOTE: Not all producers use this attribute either (i.e: The Ctrl producer).

XML example
<bet_stop timestamp="12345" product="3" event_id="sr:match:471123" groups="all"/>

The above XML example indicates the bet_stop. The attribute "groups" defines which markets should go to bet_stop (or be closed/deactivated). Currently it is by default set to "all". If a bet_stop message is received, all markets should go to betstop/should be closed.

After the betstop message is received you will find the markets which should be on betstop with the market status attribute set to "-1" in a subsequent odds_change message. As long as a certain market does not change to status="1", it should be on betstop/closed on the customer side.

If a certain market goes to status="1" it would be open (betstart) for betting again.

Bet stop hierarchy

Note that bets are stopped in a hierarchy. To see if bets are open on an outcome for a market and an event, the rules below all need to passed:

  1. The Betradar system is available (messages have been received in the last 20 seconds).
  2. The product handling the event is not flagged as down.
  3. The market status is active (not suspended or deactivated).
  4. The outcome is active (not active="false").

Conversely, if any of the above conditions become false, all corresponding bets should be stopped.


Currently there is a difference in how the Premium Cricket producer and Ctrl producer send bet_stop messages (pre-match only). In Ctrl you will receive a bet_stop at match kick off, but in Premium Cricket you will receive a normal odds_change message with the attribute status=”0”.