Unified Odds Feed uses AMQP as a protocol of delivering messages and a RESTful API for delivering additional information.
All the dynamic, frequently changing information is delivered through lightweight messages using AMQP protocol. AMQP is used as a one-way communication, where messages are pushed to your system, and no requests can be made towards it. All additional information needed for interpreting the messages, needs to be obtained via the API. All AMQP messages are sent on various topics that are intended to provide easy and flexible routing/filtering. More information about how the topic filtering works can be found here - https://docs.betradar.com/display/BD/UOF+-+AMQP+topic+filtering
All the information needed for interpreting AMQP messages, getting additional descriptions, communicating with UOF producers and replay service, is done through the API. No odds can be obtained through the API directly, though, those are always delivered in the feed.
Self-service documentation
All endpoints in Unified Feed are available for testing purposes at http://iodocs.betradar.com. From here you can see each of the endpoints, execute the different requests, and see sample responses as long as you have an access-token. For more detailed information and examples on how to use the self-service documentation and the API, consult the Unified Feed integration documentation.
The purpose of providing these endpoints is that our clients can access and request information when needed, instead of adjusting configurations in different ways to make it accessible in the feed. This ensures that only vital information will be provided in a clean and neat fashion through our Unified XML Feed, and additional information can be accessed when needed by each individual client from the API. This is also convenient when new features for requesting information is made available, as it can be accessed through the API with no more adjustments of configurations.